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Whales can inspire people in so many ways, and they need our help! I hope after meeting Nile this summer that you are inspired to make a difference for the planet. You can become a Playground Protector and clean up the area near you! Let's see if we can make a whale-sized difference this summer!
We are assuming you got to this page because you have made a reservation at your local library! YAY, we can't wait to meet you. If you haven't made a reservation for a 30-minute time slot, please contact your local library and sign up.
Before you come to your 30-minute visit to meet Nile, please watch this 21-minute video with your kids! It will give you an introduction to whales in general and humpback whales off the coast of MA. It will help them understand more when they get to meet Nile!
When you arrive at the library for your 30 minute visit, we will go inside the whale and talk about how we are similar and different. Kids can ask questions and touch whale artifacts likes bones and baleen!
Is your children inspired? What can you do now?
1. You can watch this video about marine debris and how it impacts the oceans.
2. Then, become a playground protector. (Click the link for instructions.) Your family and friends can pick up and keep track of trash you find near your house or local playground. Send me the info, and I'll send
Is your children inspired? What can you do now?
1. You can watch this video about marine debris and how it impacts the oceans.
2. Then, become a playground protector. (Click the link for instructions.) Your family and friends can pick up and keep track of trash you find near your house or local playground. Send me the info, and I'll send you a thank you! Let's see how much trash we can collect this summer!
Are you inspired to help out planet even before you come? Click here to find some ideas!
Click on the picture to see the 3 styles! These will ship to your door in about 7-10 days. If you wear it to the program (or order it ahead of time), I'll give you an extra surprise!!
If your kids are looking for more information about whales, consider our Whale Kit for Home! You can ask Cynde when you see her in person if she has them, otherwise, we will ship it to you!
Do you have a school or library that would love to experience going inside of Nile?
Are you interested in helping The Whalemobile cultivate more ocean advocates?
We appreciate your help!
Fill in the form below and we will be in touch!
The Whalemobile
Topsfield, MA 01983 * * 617-838-2646