Quarantine inspired us to create a way for seniors to engage with the ocean from the comfort of their favorite chair. This series covers everything about whales off the coast of Massachusetts. You can either purchase the DVD's or links to the videos, and have the videos to use multiple times, or, we can arrange a virtual presentation over Zoom.
The series includes four 45-minute videos (or 55 minutes if it's live) and is geared towards retirement communities and senior centers. Activity professionals, you might show them once a week over the course of a month or show one video for an entire month and then move on to the next! Cynde would be happy to coordinate with you the best way to do it.
Cynde will introduce herself and share how she made her way from Indiana to Massachusetts then to a career studying whales and a Guinness World Record. After introducing us to whales, inside and out, she will take us to Gloucester, MA, America’s oldest fishing port, and board a whale watch boat to head out to the N. Atlantic.
Have you always wanted to go on a whale watch? Now is your chance! This week, we are aboard the Privateer IV learning about what species of whales go to the MA every summer. Where do they come from and why are they here? We will see videos taken from the whale watch boats off the East coast.
Whale watches aren’t just about the whales—they are nature trips. What else can you see on a boat? Birds, sharks, fish, and turtles. After we learn about those animals, we will get up close and personal with some of Cynde’s favorite humpback whales, many that she has known for over 20 years.
Whales and humans use the oceans today and, in many cases, share the same space and time. Cynde will explore other ways scientists are studying whales, how they are overlapping and what the result is. She will share what is happening at a national level to protect whales and what we can do at an individual level to help protect whales.
You will receive all 4 videos on 2 DVDs. The cost is $49.
Cynde is happy to schedule virtual presentations over Zoom. The cost is $125 and it will last 60 minutes. To schedule, please contact us.
The Whalemobile
Topsfield, MA 01983 * info@thewhalemobile.com * 617-838-2646