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These programs are similar in structure to elementary programs, but the breakout sessions can be varied depending on what the students are studying and interested in.
If you have a topic you would like us to cover, let us know when you reach out!
The human impacts presentation will take place in a classroom. Topics that are covered are how whales and humans use the ocean, when overlap occurs in time and space, and how are we impacting whales. Students will brainstorm and explore solutions to some of the bigger threats facing whales today.
Introducing or concluding a unit? We are happy to come in as an expert to answer the students' questions.
It may sound silly, but some of the best presentations are sitting with students in a classroom and having a conversation about ocean issues that is student led. Middle school students have great questions about whales. If you are interested in having an expert come in for a Q & A session with your students, this is perfect. We will use videos and images to help answer the students’ questions. This can also be done over Zoom or Skype.
Are your students talking about anatomy? Fish and squid dissections are a great hands-on way to compare and contrast anatomy or simply explore another species.
Discover the wonders of the ocean with our engaging and interactive programs.
✓ Explore marine life
✓ Foster environmental awareness
✓ Ignite curiosity
We love the child-like wonder on the faces of middle school students when they go inside the whale! While it might seem like a program just for elementary age students, being inside the whales initiates great discussions with this age group as well!
While we will never discourage anyone from going inside the whale, high school programs are typically assembly based. But being honest, they will at least want to peak inside, and we are happy to provide programs where they do!
The Whalemobile
Topsfield, MA 01983 * * 617-838-2646