High school programs are typically assembly-based. Each one will last 45 minutes allowing up to 15 minutes for questions. If there is space and time, the whale can be inflated at the end of the assembly. Please choose from the list of assemblies below. If you are interested in having your high school students go inside the whale, we can provide programming for that. Please contact us for more information, as we will happily work with you to figure out what is best.
Bringing Nile to your school after studying biology is a great fit. We can talk about cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Whales are a great example of evolution so that could be a topic of discussion as well.
"I really enjoyed listening to Cynde talk about a creature she’s so passionate about, I learned a lot about whales from what their structure looks like to what their ‘teeth’ are a form of hair. Personally, I’ve always loved whales but never knew much about them. Through Cynde I found out that these magnificent creatures share similarities to us and many other mammals." -Brooke L. --high school sophomore
In this 45-60 minute presentation, Cynde will share her story about how she took her childhood passion for whales and made it her career. She will introduce students to whales and how they are researched today illustrating that you can take many different roads to find the career that you are looking for. Science, technology, engineering/education, art and math are all critically important disciplines when addressing any topic—especially related to conservation. She will finish by sharing how this childhood passion, that many classmates of hers made fun of, led to a Guinness World Record!
Did you know that whaling techniques of old are currently used to disentangle whales. This program discusses the interaction between whales and fisheries: problematic fishing gear, rescue strategies, and current solutions to this problem.
Focusing on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, this presentation discusses how technology has advanced our understanding of whale behavior. Using photo-identification, tagging, passive acoustics, and biological sampling, students will be introduced to the variety of ways scientists are studying whales. They will learn a little about what we know and some of the mysteries we still have!
Whales and humans both face similar health threats. This presentation discusses how nutrition, lifestyle, chemicals and politics contribute to the health of humans and whales.
Are your students talking about anatomy? Fish and squid dissections are a great hands-on way to compare and contrast anatomy or simply explore another species.
Discover the wonders of the ocean with our engaging and interactive programs.
✓ Explore marine life
✓ Foster environmental awareness
✓ Ignite curiosity
We love the child-like wonder on the faces of middle school students when they go inside the whale! While it might seem like a program just for elementary age students, being inside the whales initiates great discussions with this age group as well!
While we will never discourage anyone from going inside the whale, high school programs are typically assembly based. But being honest, they will at least want to peak inside, and we are happy to provide programs where they do!
The Whalemobile
Topsfield, MA 01983 * info@thewhalemobile.com * 617-838-2646